Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Hard Sh!t...

Me and Rae had a fight yesterday...that would make the 2nd time we have fought the whole time we have been friends...But I feel really rotten... It wasn't really about anything...(the fight) wanna see an excirp?

Know *Me* says:
is that why you poured water over Marks head?

is what why i poured water over his head?
Know *Me* says:
...oh. lol
Know *Me* says:
couldnt help it ^.^
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
you said u didnt like confrentation
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Know *Me* says:
no. i dont mind confrontation
Know *Me* says:
i dont like causing a rucus
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
pouring water ouver peeps head is
Know *Me* says:
it draws too much attention to myself
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
that was a rucus
Know *Me* says:
there was no screaming. i calmly approached him. wetted him, and departed
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
*rools eyes* right
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
do I always have to be wrong?
Know *Me* says:
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
seems like it
Know *Me* says:
ur right more than u know
Know *Me* says:
when u dont expect the worse
Know *Me* sends:

You have asked to share this background with Laura Is The Cutest!!!!.

Know *Me* says:
bonnie. seriously. answer me. how am i a push-over?
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says: *wilted flower*

Know *Me* says:
Know *Me* says:
r u mad at me?
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Know *Me* says:
then why did u disconnect the fone, instead of answering it?
Know *Me* says:
...r u crying?
Know *Me* says:
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Know *Me* says:
r u ok?
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
it depends on what your defintion of OK is
Know *Me* says:
well, i know ur not happy. with me or with life, or urself. i know u dont like me very much, if at all right now. and i know ur most likely either a) crying or b) seething at me, and livid
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
no Im not mad at you AT ALL
Know *Me* says:
so, what i mean is, which is it out of a or b, or is it something else altogether, and are u going to hurt urself, bcuz if u do, i swear...
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
i was just uppsett
Know *Me* says:
i will do anything to get to ur house, and if u have hurt urself at all, im calling 911
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says: should know by nwo i dont do that...Its just a leverage thing it was just and old habbit
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Know *Me* says:
Know *Me* says:
i know. but im always afraid u actually will do something foolish, and hurt urself in some way, or run away, or that i will say something that will make u upset
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
*shakes head* no u will never say anything that would really uppsett mee
Know *Me* says:
i know u wont...but the fear is still there
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
I just had a crappy week/month/life right now
Know *Me* says:
LOL. havent we all...
Know *Me* says:
will u change ur icon, plz?
Know *Me* says:
its little/big things like that that keep the fear there
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
but i like it
Know *Me* says:
thats your choice.
Know *Me* says:
*closes icon window* but that doesnt mean i have to look at it
Know *Me* says:
*peeks open window. sees sad icon. closes window. opens again. sees sad anime gurl*
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
not good enff?
Know *Me* says:
Know *Me* says:
its fine...
Know *Me* says:
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Know *Me* says:

Be aware that...

a halo has to fall only a few inches to be a noose.

Know *Me* says:
how long has that been up?
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
a week
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
or 4 days
Know *Me* says:
Know *Me* says:
are u upset with me?
Know *Me* says:
oh, and i really do want to know why u think im a push over
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
not upset
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
with you
Know *Me* says:
okay. that answers one of my questiones
Know *Me* says:
Know *Me* says:
now how bout the other?
Know *Me* says:
bcuz if u think im going to drop it, ur wrong
Know *Me* says:
im not upset, merely curious
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
*shruggz* Im always wrong
Know *Me* says:
no ur not.
Know *Me* says:
why do u think im a push over?
Know *Me* says:
or did u. or w/e. please, bonnie...i want to know
Know *Me* says:
i NEED to know
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says: would I know You never tell mee the whole story on anything. so how am I to know if you are or not I am a very mislead person
Know *Me* says:
bonnie, i tell u everything, practically.
Know *Me* says:
if ur talking about *Edited out* , that was not my choice
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
no Im not and thats not true u urself said I didnt know the whole story in ur e-mail
Know *Me* says:
what email? what story?
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
the 1 u posted on ur blog
Know *Me* says:
*rereads email* no i didnt
Know *Me* says:
i said no1 seems to understand me
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
other than Bonnie not knowing the whole story, and me not being able to tell her, and she being misguided.
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Know *Me* says:
I WAS TALKING ABOUT *edited out*, WHEN I CALLED *edited out* A WHORE
Know *Me* says:
Know *Me* says:
thats the only other time i can remember us fighting
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Know *Me* says:
if u didng notice...quote: But this one is...different.
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
i did
Know *Me* says:
Know *Me* says:
so? ur point in that would be?
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
no point
Know *Me* says:
(Rae calls mee on the Phone)
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
i dont want to talk on the phone
Know *Me* says:
well, ur not being very communitive on here!
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
*writing a poem*
Know *Me* says:
if u dont want to tell me why u called me a push-over, then...*sigh* then i dont know.
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
i take it bac! ok?
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
ur not, ur perfect!
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
that better?!
Know *Me* says:
Know *Me* says:
Know *Me* says:
im the farthest thing from perfect
Know *Me* says:
but i am not a pushover
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
sure. ur right, Im wrong.
Know *Me* says:
Know *Me* says:
bonnie...what is upsetting u?
Know *Me* says:
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Know *Me* says:
what r u so upset about?
Know *Me* says:
and dont tell me ur not upset with me, because i can tell u r, or else u wouldnt b hurling insults at me
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
how am I hurling insults?!
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
WTF r u talking about?!?!
Know *Me* says:
read everything uve said to me in the last...hour or so. u keep mocking me.
Know *Me* says:
and u wont even pick up the fone
Know *Me* says:
and ur not talking much on here
Know *Me* says:
and im getting this feeling ur very mad at me
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
the only insult I said was that ur a pushover and I took that back!
Know *Me* says:
...*sigh* u r mocking me, bonnie. u called me perfect, and told me im always right. and when u took it back, u were once again mocking me
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Know *Me* says:
...i dont.
Know *Me* says:
then i guess im the wrong one here
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
just so you know I just didnt want to talk about it!!! I wasnt mocking you!!!
Know *Me* says:
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
the only thing Im guilty of right now is not wanting to get into it right now cuz I know that Ill just regret what I said l8ter, cuz Im in a bad mood
Know *Me* says:
mmm...*sigh* im sorry. then dont say anything. im sorry...
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
d@mmit dont say sry its not ur fault
Know *Me* says:
maybe so. maybe not. either way, i owed u an apology. one for taking ur meaning wrong, and another for misleading u. im not half as perfect as u think
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Know *Me* says:
bonnie, i know ur not perfect. nowhere near to perfect. and u dont owe me an apology for anything
Know *Me* says:
oh, whee, im crying ^.^
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
yes I do
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
I called you a push over
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
and said d@mmit
Know *Me* says:
*smiles sadly* yes, u did.
Know *Me* says:
Know *Me* says:
lets just call it even?
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Know *Me* says:
u know, u r the only person who can make me cry anymore? last time i cried was when i told megan good-bye. and that was only in self-pity
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
well that makes mee feel warm and fuzzy
Know *Me* says:
doesnt it?
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Know *Me* says:
i was being sarcastic, dear
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
i know
Know *Me* says: should. because the only ppl who can make me cry are the ppl who matter the most to me
Know *Me* says:
Know *Me* says:
oh, crud. i just realized u could have taken that the wrong way!
Know *Me* says:
sorry, i didnt mean it like that!
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
i didnt
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
i no what u meant
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Im not compeatly stupid
Know *Me* says:
Know *Me* says:
if at all
Know *Me* says:
but, what i meant was...i guess i was crying because...i know this sounds corny, but ur the closest friend i have, other than God, and...i guess i was afraid i was gonna loose that, along with everything else
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
now thats just lame friends fight u weirdo and specially mee I get into lots of fights you have to kinda expect that from mee Im a lil' off
Know *Me* says:

OK that was more than just an ezcirpt but w/e. So yeah I was being a totall @$$ *sigh* so yeah I had a Cr@ppy day yesterday...


Blogger Unknown said...

Dang, that almost made me cry.

Thursday, April 28, 2005 7:15:00 AM  
Blogger Bonnie said...

LOL. u r so kool john...

Thursday, April 28, 2005 9:50:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'm glad you don't hurt yourself anymore.

Thursday, April 28, 2005 8:01:00 PM  
Blogger Bonnie said...

....yeeeeeah. bad time. bad choices. bad state of mind. bad skool. bad bad bad

Friday, April 29, 2005 12:14:00 PM  

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