Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I'm Moving To California

we remodeled ...

Sunday, July 15, 2007


I really don't know why I am updating... I'm sure no one reads my blog anymore... but here I go.

I graduated. Class of 2007! The only thing I can say about that is that I tripped down the stairs and almost did a face-plant!

I was a counselor at a 5th and 6th grade camp, it was great. And then I went to High school camp... it sucked. And now I have one more camp to go, a day camp at the end of this month.

The biggest news I have is my dad got fired so I am moving... to Carmel, California. Not because we have to, my dad could get a new job easy, but because my parents want to. They plan to move before school starts in the fall. My whole house has been under construction (aka: lots of yelling, banging, painting and cleaning). But that should stop pretty soon here, seeing as, my house is going up for sale on Monday.

Andrew and I are still dating. It will be a year on August 29th.

The End.