Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Hard Sh!t...
Me and Rae had a fight yesterday...that would make the 2nd time we have fought the whole time we have been friends...But I feel really rotten... It wasn't really about anything...(the fight) wanna see an excirp?
Know *Me* says:
is that why you poured water over Marks head?
is what why i poured water over his head?
Know *Me* says:
...oh. lol
Know *Me* says:
couldnt help it ^.^
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
you said u didnt like confrentation
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Know *Me* says:
no. i dont mind confrontation
Know *Me* says:
i dont like causing a rucus
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
pouring water ouver peeps head is
Know *Me* says:
it draws too much attention to myself
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
that was a rucus
Know *Me* says:
there was no screaming. i calmly approached him. wetted him, and departed
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
*rools eyes* right
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
do I always have to be wrong?
Know *Me* says:
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
seems like it
Know *Me* says:
ur right more than u know
Know *Me* says:
when u dont expect the worse
Know *Me* sends:
You have asked to share this background with Laura Is The Cutest!!!!.
Know *Me* says:
bonnie. seriously. answer me. how am i a push-over?
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says: *wilted flower*
Know *Me* says:
Know *Me* says:
r u mad at me?
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Know *Me* says:
then why did u disconnect the fone, instead of answering it?
Know *Me* says:
...r u crying?
Know *Me* says:
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Know *Me* says:
r u ok?
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
it depends on what your defintion of OK is
Know *Me* says:
well, i know ur not happy. with me or with life, or urself. i know u dont like me very much, if at all right now. and i know ur most likely either a) crying or b) seething at me, and livid
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
no Im not mad at you AT ALL
Know *Me* says:
so, what i mean is, which is it out of a or b, or is it something else altogether, and are u going to hurt urself, bcuz if u do, i swear...
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
i was just uppsett
Know *Me* says:
i will do anything to get to ur house, and if u have hurt urself at all, im calling 911
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says: should know by nwo i dont do that...Its just a leverage thing it was just and old habbit
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Know *Me* says:
Know *Me* says:
i know. but im always afraid u actually will do something foolish, and hurt urself in some way, or run away, or that i will say something that will make u upset
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
*shakes head* no u will never say anything that would really uppsett mee
Know *Me* says:
i know u wont...but the fear is still there
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
I just had a crappy week/month/life right now
Know *Me* says:
LOL. havent we all...
Know *Me* says:
will u change ur icon, plz?
Know *Me* says:
its little/big things like that that keep the fear there
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
but i like it
Know *Me* says:
thats your choice.
Know *Me* says:
*closes icon window* but that doesnt mean i have to look at it
Know *Me* says:
*peeks open window. sees sad icon. closes window. opens again. sees sad anime gurl*
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
not good enff?
Know *Me* says:
Know *Me* says:
its fine...
Know *Me* says:
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Know *Me* says:
Be aware that...
a halo has to fall only a few inches to be a noose.
Know *Me* says:
how long has that been up?
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
a week
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
or 4 days
Know *Me* says:
Know *Me* says:
are u upset with me?
Know *Me* says:
oh, and i really do want to know why u think im a push over
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
not upset
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
with you
Know *Me* says:
okay. that answers one of my questiones
Know *Me* says:
Know *Me* says:
now how bout the other?
Know *Me* says:
bcuz if u think im going to drop it, ur wrong
Know *Me* says:
im not upset, merely curious
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
*shruggz* Im always wrong
Know *Me* says:
no ur not.
Know *Me* says:
why do u think im a push over?
Know *Me* says:
or did u. or w/e. please, bonnie...i want to know
Know *Me* says:
i NEED to know
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says: would I know You never tell mee the whole story on anything. so how am I to know if you are or not I am a very mislead person
Know *Me* says:
bonnie, i tell u everything, practically.
Know *Me* says:
if ur talking about *Edited out* , that was not my choice
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
no Im not and thats not true u urself said I didnt know the whole story in ur e-mail
Know *Me* says:
what email? what story?
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
the 1 u posted on ur blog
Know *Me* says:
*rereads email* no i didnt
Know *Me* says:
i said no1 seems to understand me
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
other than Bonnie not knowing the whole story, and me not being able to tell her, and she being misguided.
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Know *Me* says:
I WAS TALKING ABOUT *edited out*, WHEN I CALLED *edited out* A WHORE
Know *Me* says:
Know *Me* says:
thats the only other time i can remember us fighting
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Know *Me* says:
if u didng notice...quote: But this one is...different.
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
i did
Know *Me* says:
Know *Me* says:
so? ur point in that would be?
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
no point
Know *Me* says:
(Rae calls mee on the Phone)
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
i dont want to talk on the phone
Know *Me* says:
well, ur not being very communitive on here!
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
*writing a poem*
Know *Me* says:
if u dont want to tell me why u called me a push-over, then...*sigh* then i dont know.
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
i take it bac! ok?
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
ur not, ur perfect!
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
that better?!
Know *Me* says:
Know *Me* says:
Know *Me* says:
im the farthest thing from perfect
Know *Me* says:
but i am not a pushover
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
sure. ur right, Im wrong.
Know *Me* says:
Know *Me* says:
bonnie...what is upsetting u?
Know *Me* says:
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Know *Me* says:
what r u so upset about?
Know *Me* says:
and dont tell me ur not upset with me, because i can tell u r, or else u wouldnt b hurling insults at me
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
how am I hurling insults?!
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
WTF r u talking about?!?!
Know *Me* says:
read everything uve said to me in the last...hour or so. u keep mocking me.
Know *Me* says:
and u wont even pick up the fone
Know *Me* says:
and ur not talking much on here
Know *Me* says:
and im getting this feeling ur very mad at me
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
the only insult I said was that ur a pushover and I took that back!
Know *Me* says:
...*sigh* u r mocking me, bonnie. u called me perfect, and told me im always right. and when u took it back, u were once again mocking me
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Know *Me* says:
...i dont.
Know *Me* says:
then i guess im the wrong one here
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
just so you know I just didnt want to talk about it!!! I wasnt mocking you!!!
Know *Me* says:
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
the only thing Im guilty of right now is not wanting to get into it right now cuz I know that Ill just regret what I said l8ter, cuz Im in a bad mood
Know *Me* says:
mmm...*sigh* im sorry. then dont say anything. im sorry...
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
d@mmit dont say sry its not ur fault
Know *Me* says:
maybe so. maybe not. either way, i owed u an apology. one for taking ur meaning wrong, and another for misleading u. im not half as perfect as u think
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Know *Me* says:
bonnie, i know ur not perfect. nowhere near to perfect. and u dont owe me an apology for anything
Know *Me* says:
oh, whee, im crying ^.^
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
yes I do
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
I called you a push over
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
and said d@mmit
Know *Me* says:
*smiles sadly* yes, u did.
Know *Me* says:
Know *Me* says:
lets just call it even?
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Know *Me* says:
u know, u r the only person who can make me cry anymore? last time i cried was when i told megan good-bye. and that was only in self-pity
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
well that makes mee feel warm and fuzzy
Know *Me* says:
doesnt it?
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Know *Me* says:
i was being sarcastic, dear
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
i know
Know *Me* says: should. because the only ppl who can make me cry are the ppl who matter the most to me
Know *Me* says:
Know *Me* says:
oh, crud. i just realized u could have taken that the wrong way!
Know *Me* says:
sorry, i didnt mean it like that!
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
i didnt
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
i no what u meant
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Im not compeatly stupid
Know *Me* says:
Know *Me* says:
if at all
Know *Me* says:
but, what i meant was...i guess i was crying because...i know this sounds corny, but ur the closest friend i have, other than God, and...i guess i was afraid i was gonna loose that, along with everything else
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
now thats just lame friends fight u weirdo and specially mee I get into lots of fights you have to kinda expect that from mee Im a lil' off
Know *Me* says:
OK that was more than just an ezcirpt but w/e. So yeah I was being a totall @$$ *sigh* so yeah I had a Cr@ppy day yesterday...
Know *Me* says:
is that why you poured water over Marks head?
is what why i poured water over his head?
Know *Me* says:
...oh. lol
Know *Me* says:
couldnt help it ^.^
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
you said u didnt like confrentation
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Know *Me* says:
no. i dont mind confrontation
Know *Me* says:
i dont like causing a rucus
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
pouring water ouver peeps head is
Know *Me* says:
it draws too much attention to myself
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
that was a rucus
Know *Me* says:
there was no screaming. i calmly approached him. wetted him, and departed
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
*rools eyes* right
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
do I always have to be wrong?
Know *Me* says:
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
seems like it
Know *Me* says:
ur right more than u know
Know *Me* says:
when u dont expect the worse
Know *Me* sends:
You have asked to share this background with Laura Is The Cutest!!!!.
Know *Me* says:
bonnie. seriously. answer me. how am i a push-over?
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says: *wilted flower*
Know *Me* says:
Know *Me* says:
r u mad at me?
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Know *Me* says:
then why did u disconnect the fone, instead of answering it?
Know *Me* says:
...r u crying?
Know *Me* says:
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Know *Me* says:
r u ok?
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
it depends on what your defintion of OK is
Know *Me* says:
well, i know ur not happy. with me or with life, or urself. i know u dont like me very much, if at all right now. and i know ur most likely either a) crying or b) seething at me, and livid
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
no Im not mad at you AT ALL
Know *Me* says:
so, what i mean is, which is it out of a or b, or is it something else altogether, and are u going to hurt urself, bcuz if u do, i swear...
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
i was just uppsett
Know *Me* says:
i will do anything to get to ur house, and if u have hurt urself at all, im calling 911
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says: should know by nwo i dont do that...Its just a leverage thing it was just and old habbit
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Know *Me* says:
Know *Me* says:
i know. but im always afraid u actually will do something foolish, and hurt urself in some way, or run away, or that i will say something that will make u upset
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
*shakes head* no u will never say anything that would really uppsett mee
Know *Me* says:
i know u wont...but the fear is still there
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
I just had a crappy week/month/life right now
Know *Me* says:
LOL. havent we all...
Know *Me* says:
will u change ur icon, plz?
Know *Me* says:
its little/big things like that that keep the fear there
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
but i like it
Know *Me* says:
thats your choice.
Know *Me* says:
*closes icon window* but that doesnt mean i have to look at it
Know *Me* says:
*peeks open window. sees sad icon. closes window. opens again. sees sad anime gurl*
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
not good enff?
Know *Me* says:
Know *Me* says:
its fine...
Know *Me* says:
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Know *Me* says:
Be aware that...
a halo has to fall only a few inches to be a noose.
Know *Me* says:
how long has that been up?
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
a week
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
or 4 days
Know *Me* says:
Know *Me* says:
are u upset with me?
Know *Me* says:
oh, and i really do want to know why u think im a push over
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
not upset
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
with you
Know *Me* says:
okay. that answers one of my questiones
Know *Me* says:
Know *Me* says:
now how bout the other?
Know *Me* says:
bcuz if u think im going to drop it, ur wrong
Know *Me* says:
im not upset, merely curious
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
*shruggz* Im always wrong
Know *Me* says:
no ur not.
Know *Me* says:
why do u think im a push over?
Know *Me* says:
or did u. or w/e. please, bonnie...i want to know
Know *Me* says:
i NEED to know
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says: would I know You never tell mee the whole story on anything. so how am I to know if you are or not I am a very mislead person
Know *Me* says:
bonnie, i tell u everything, practically.
Know *Me* says:
if ur talking about *Edited out* , that was not my choice
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
no Im not and thats not true u urself said I didnt know the whole story in ur e-mail
Know *Me* says:
what email? what story?
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
the 1 u posted on ur blog
Know *Me* says:
*rereads email* no i didnt
Know *Me* says:
i said no1 seems to understand me
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
other than Bonnie not knowing the whole story, and me not being able to tell her, and she being misguided.
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Know *Me* says:
I WAS TALKING ABOUT *edited out*, WHEN I CALLED *edited out* A WHORE
Know *Me* says:
Know *Me* says:
thats the only other time i can remember us fighting
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Know *Me* says:
if u didng notice...quote: But this one is...different.
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
i did
Know *Me* says:
Know *Me* says:
so? ur point in that would be?
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
no point
Know *Me* says:
(Rae calls mee on the Phone)
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
i dont want to talk on the phone
Know *Me* says:
well, ur not being very communitive on here!
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
*writing a poem*
Know *Me* says:
if u dont want to tell me why u called me a push-over, then...*sigh* then i dont know.
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
i take it bac! ok?
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
ur not, ur perfect!
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
that better?!
Know *Me* says:
Know *Me* says:
Know *Me* says:
im the farthest thing from perfect
Know *Me* says:
but i am not a pushover
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
sure. ur right, Im wrong.
Know *Me* says:
Know *Me* says:
bonnie...what is upsetting u?
Know *Me* says:
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Know *Me* says:
what r u so upset about?
Know *Me* says:
and dont tell me ur not upset with me, because i can tell u r, or else u wouldnt b hurling insults at me
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
how am I hurling insults?!
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
WTF r u talking about?!?!
Know *Me* says:
read everything uve said to me in the last...hour or so. u keep mocking me.
Know *Me* says:
and u wont even pick up the fone
Know *Me* says:
and ur not talking much on here
Know *Me* says:
and im getting this feeling ur very mad at me
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
the only insult I said was that ur a pushover and I took that back!
Know *Me* says:
...*sigh* u r mocking me, bonnie. u called me perfect, and told me im always right. and when u took it back, u were once again mocking me
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Know *Me* says:
...i dont.
Know *Me* says:
then i guess im the wrong one here
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
just so you know I just didnt want to talk about it!!! I wasnt mocking you!!!
Know *Me* says:
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
the only thing Im guilty of right now is not wanting to get into it right now cuz I know that Ill just regret what I said l8ter, cuz Im in a bad mood
Know *Me* says:
mmm...*sigh* im sorry. then dont say anything. im sorry...
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
d@mmit dont say sry its not ur fault
Know *Me* says:
maybe so. maybe not. either way, i owed u an apology. one for taking ur meaning wrong, and another for misleading u. im not half as perfect as u think
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Know *Me* says:
bonnie, i know ur not perfect. nowhere near to perfect. and u dont owe me an apology for anything
Know *Me* says:
oh, whee, im crying ^.^
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
yes I do
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
I called you a push over
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
and said d@mmit
Know *Me* says:
*smiles sadly* yes, u did.
Know *Me* says:
Know *Me* says:
lets just call it even?
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Know *Me* says:
u know, u r the only person who can make me cry anymore? last time i cried was when i told megan good-bye. and that was only in self-pity
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
well that makes mee feel warm and fuzzy
Know *Me* says:
doesnt it?
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Know *Me* says:
i was being sarcastic, dear
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
i know
Know *Me* says: should. because the only ppl who can make me cry are the ppl who matter the most to me
Know *Me* says:
Know *Me* says:
oh, crud. i just realized u could have taken that the wrong way!
Know *Me* says:
sorry, i didnt mean it like that!
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
i didnt
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
i no what u meant
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
Im not compeatly stupid
Know *Me* says:
Know *Me* says:
if at all
Know *Me* says:
but, what i meant was...i guess i was crying because...i know this sounds corny, but ur the closest friend i have, other than God, and...i guess i was afraid i was gonna loose that, along with everything else
Laura Is The Cutest!!!! says:
now thats just lame friends fight u weirdo and specially mee I get into lots of fights you have to kinda expect that from mee Im a lil' off
Know *Me* says:
OK that was more than just an ezcirpt but w/e. So yeah I was being a totall @$$ *sigh* so yeah I had a Cr@ppy day yesterday...
Monday, April 25, 2005
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Friday, April 22, 2005
5 things I like about some people:
1. Understanding
2. Always there
3. Random
4. Easy to be with
5. True Friend
1. Easy going
2. Fun
3. Outgoing
4. Helpful
5. Peacemaker
1. Funny
2. Pleasantly quiet (at times *grinz*)
3. Different
4. Fun
5. Mysterious
1. Fun
2. Knows when its time to play and time to work (which I STILL haven't mastered *grin*)
4. Fun to talk to and be with
5. In command
1. Intelligent
2. Practical
3. Fun
4. Understanding
5. Knows when its time to play and time to work (which I STILL haven't mastered *grin*)
1. UBBER fun
3. Entertaining
4. She's a Bower! LOL
5. Different
1. Smart
2. FUN
3. Entertaining
4. Daring
5. In command
1. Entertaining
3. Daring
4. Different
5. Outgoing
1. Fun
2. Different
3. Interesting
4. Outgoing (when he's not 1/2 asleep)
5. Random
1. Interesting
2. Different
3. Random
4. Fun
5. Outgoing
1. Nice
2. Outgoing
3. Fun
4. Random
5. Funny
1. Fun
2. Funny
3. Nice
4. Different
5. In command
James F:
1. Fun
2. Entertaining
3. Different
4. Outgoing
5. Daring
1. Cool
2. Fun
3. Different
4. Entertaining
5. Nice
1. Nice
2. Interesting
3. Fun
4. Entertaining
5. Random
1. Different
2. Fun
3. Entertaining
5. Daring
1. Understanding
2. Always there
3. Random
4. Easy to be with
5. True Friend
1. Easy going
2. Fun
3. Outgoing
4. Helpful
5. Peacemaker
1. Funny
2. Pleasantly quiet (at times *grinz*)
3. Different
4. Fun
5. Mysterious
1. Fun
2. Knows when its time to play and time to work (which I STILL haven't mastered *grin*)
4. Fun to talk to and be with
5. In command
1. Intelligent
2. Practical
3. Fun
4. Understanding
5. Knows when its time to play and time to work (which I STILL haven't mastered *grin*)
1. UBBER fun
3. Entertaining
4. She's a Bower! LOL
5. Different
1. Smart
2. FUN
3. Entertaining
4. Daring
5. In command
1. Entertaining
3. Daring
4. Different
5. Outgoing
1. Fun
2. Different
3. Interesting
4. Outgoing (when he's not 1/2 asleep)
5. Random
1. Interesting
2. Different
3. Random
4. Fun
5. Outgoing
1. Nice
2. Outgoing
3. Fun
4. Random
5. Funny
1. Fun
2. Funny
3. Nice
4. Different
5. In command
James F:
1. Fun
2. Entertaining
3. Different
4. Outgoing
5. Daring
1. Cool
2. Fun
3. Different
4. Entertaining
5. Nice
1. Nice
2. Interesting
3. Fun
4. Entertaining
5. Random
1. Different
2. Fun
3. Entertaining
5. Daring
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Taking a chance for my long awaited romance
Ok Im taking a chance
And making my advance
You got mee entranced
With just one glance
Am I always doomed for mischance
Or will I finally get my long awaited romance
are you the one perchance?
I'll wait till find out to do my happy dance
For now you keep makeing my heart prance
Im taking a chance
For my long awaited romance
(c) Bonnie B.
And making my advance
You got mee entranced
With just one glance
Am I always doomed for mischance
Or will I finally get my long awaited romance
are you the one perchance?
I'll wait till find out to do my happy dance
For now you keep makeing my heart prance
Im taking a chance
For my long awaited romance
(c) Bonnie B.
Do Men Really Need a 'Date Doctor'?
In the new movie "Hitch", Will Smith plays a 'date doctor.' He charges a big fee to help guys iron out their bad dating habits and improve their love lives. The movie is funny, and somewhat informative. But the question is, do guys really need a date doctor to have success with women? Is there another road to success?
Men tend to avoid instructions, maps, manuals, and other sources of information that might make a particular task a little easier. We think we can figure it out by ourselves and sometimes we can. But a smart man will use a map to get to his destination and maybe even ask someone who already made the trip about a shortcut.
But when it comes to dating - even if we're smart - we won't admit we need help. We do things by trial and error and we repeat our mistakes.
For example:
most guys don't know that you should never ever call a woman the day after she gives you her number - or the day after that.
Most guys don't know you should never have a first date on a Friday or Saturday.
And most guys don't know that leaving more than one message on her answering machine is a big mistake if you ever want to see her again.
So guys continue to spoil their chances with women they want, marry the wrong women, and make the divorce lawyers rich.
Why are we so stubborn when it comes to seeking help for dating advice? Maybe we're afraid of being laughed at or appearing weak. Maybe we don't know who to ask for help. Or maybe it's just the same old thing, we think we can figure it out ourselves.
But deep down we all know there are two ways to do something: the hard way or the smart way.
A wise man once said if you want to accomplish something find someone who has already done it and get their advice. That's doing it the smart way. But where can a man go for reliable dating advice? Does it make sense to hire a 'date doctor'?
In the movie, the date doctor, Hitch, is available for advice when a problem or question arises, but he can't be there 24/7 to help his clients do the right thing.
The best solution for any guy is to learn what works.
Get good information, a proven system and use it.
In other words, find a success formula and duplicate it.
When you KNOW the FORMULA - you'll become your own date doctor.
Men tend to avoid instructions, maps, manuals, and other sources of information that might make a particular task a little easier. We think we can figure it out by ourselves and sometimes we can. But a smart man will use a map to get to his destination and maybe even ask someone who already made the trip about a shortcut.
But when it comes to dating - even if we're smart - we won't admit we need help. We do things by trial and error and we repeat our mistakes.
For example:
most guys don't know that you should never ever call a woman the day after she gives you her number - or the day after that.
Most guys don't know you should never have a first date on a Friday or Saturday.
And most guys don't know that leaving more than one message on her answering machine is a big mistake if you ever want to see her again.
So guys continue to spoil their chances with women they want, marry the wrong women, and make the divorce lawyers rich.
Why are we so stubborn when it comes to seeking help for dating advice? Maybe we're afraid of being laughed at or appearing weak. Maybe we don't know who to ask for help. Or maybe it's just the same old thing, we think we can figure it out ourselves.
But deep down we all know there are two ways to do something: the hard way or the smart way.
A wise man once said if you want to accomplish something find someone who has already done it and get their advice. That's doing it the smart way. But where can a man go for reliable dating advice? Does it make sense to hire a 'date doctor'?
In the movie, the date doctor, Hitch, is available for advice when a problem or question arises, but he can't be there 24/7 to help his clients do the right thing.
The best solution for any guy is to learn what works.
Get good information, a proven system and use it.
In other words, find a success formula and duplicate it.
When you KNOW the FORMULA - you'll become your own date doctor.
Pickup Lines, from the best to the worst pickup lines
(not in any order)
Here I am! Ok, you have two wishes left...
I'm sorry, but I couldn't help but notice you over here not noticing me.
I was saving this rose for the most beautiful woman I saw tonight...
Can you help me? My mom says I have to get a date by tomorrow or she's kicking me out! (works better if you DON'T live at home)
Hi, I lost my phone number, could I have yours instead?
I only have six weeks to live. Want to help me spend my inheritance?
I love your outfit, it matches the leather in my Ferrari perfectly...
Are you tired? Because you've been running around in my head all night!
Excuse me, but didn't I know you in a past life?
The only thing your eyes haven't told me is your name...
Excuse me, do you have a map? I'm lost in your eyes.
Hi, I was staring at you from over there, but I thought it would be easier from here.
Do you have any raisins? How about a date?
Are you going to talk to me, or do I have to lie to my diary?
Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?
I think the cops are looking for you, because you've stolen every guy's heart in here!
Can I have it back please? You took my breath away!
Did you just grab my butt? No, well, want to?
Hi, you have something in your eye- no wait, it's just a twinkle.
Could I borrow a quarter? I need to call my mom and tell her I just met the girl of my dreams!
The sky must be falling, because I just found an angel!
Could you pinch me please? Because you're the girl of my dreams.
Can I buy you a drink to celebrate? I just got paroled!
Should I call you in the morning, or just roll over and just wake you up?
Can I buy you a drink? I've only got an hour before the asylum comes looking for me.
My best friend bet me that I couldn't start a conversation with the most beautiful girl in the room, can you help me out?
Can I buy you a drink, or do you just want the money?
I need a straight jacket- you're driving me crazy!
I'm sorry, there must be something wrong with my eyes, I can't take them off you!
Hello, I could be your Mister Right, or at least Mister Right Now...
Excuse me, but aren't we related? Want to be?
Put me in a Zoo, because you drive me wild!
Excuse me, but my friend over there wants to know if you think I'm cute.
I can't hear the music- my heart has been singing so loudly since I first saw you!
Hi, pull my finger!
Hey what do you say we go back to my place and do the things I'm going to fantasize about later anyway?
You don't look like a broom, but you just swept me off my feet...
No wonder it's dark out, you stole the stars from the sky!
I'm like a candy bar, totally sweet and half nuts. Want a bite?
Here I am! Ok, you have two wishes left...
I'm sorry, but I couldn't help but notice you over here not noticing me.
I was saving this rose for the most beautiful woman I saw tonight...
Can you help me? My mom says I have to get a date by tomorrow or she's kicking me out! (works better if you DON'T live at home)
Hi, I lost my phone number, could I have yours instead?
I only have six weeks to live. Want to help me spend my inheritance?
I love your outfit, it matches the leather in my Ferrari perfectly...
Are you tired? Because you've been running around in my head all night!
Excuse me, but didn't I know you in a past life?
The only thing your eyes haven't told me is your name...
Excuse me, do you have a map? I'm lost in your eyes.
Hi, I was staring at you from over there, but I thought it would be easier from here.
Do you have any raisins? How about a date?
Are you going to talk to me, or do I have to lie to my diary?
Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?
I think the cops are looking for you, because you've stolen every guy's heart in here!
Can I have it back please? You took my breath away!
Did you just grab my butt? No, well, want to?
Hi, you have something in your eye- no wait, it's just a twinkle.
Could I borrow a quarter? I need to call my mom and tell her I just met the girl of my dreams!
The sky must be falling, because I just found an angel!
Could you pinch me please? Because you're the girl of my dreams.
Can I buy you a drink to celebrate? I just got paroled!
Should I call you in the morning, or just roll over and just wake you up?
Can I buy you a drink? I've only got an hour before the asylum comes looking for me.
My best friend bet me that I couldn't start a conversation with the most beautiful girl in the room, can you help me out?
Can I buy you a drink, or do you just want the money?
I need a straight jacket- you're driving me crazy!
I'm sorry, there must be something wrong with my eyes, I can't take them off you!
Hello, I could be your Mister Right, or at least Mister Right Now...
Excuse me, but aren't we related? Want to be?
Put me in a Zoo, because you drive me wild!
Excuse me, but my friend over there wants to know if you think I'm cute.
I can't hear the music- my heart has been singing so loudly since I first saw you!
Hi, pull my finger!
Hey what do you say we go back to my place and do the things I'm going to fantasize about later anyway?
You don't look like a broom, but you just swept me off my feet...
No wonder it's dark out, you stole the stars from the sky!
I'm like a candy bar, totally sweet and half nuts. Want a bite?
Monday, April 18, 2005
MORE Quizzz

Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!

You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves
your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling
he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss
that never lessens and always blows your
partner away like the first time.
What kind of kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Saturday, April 16, 2005
The Last Two Verses In Revelation
20 He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.”
Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.
21 The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God's people. Amen.
Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.
21 The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God's people. Amen.
Friday, April 15, 2005
It Seemed
It seemed to be simple
It seemed to be fine
It seem like all my other crushes
But it was different this time
As i soon would find
Whenever you were around me
you made me lose my mind
I couldn't act like I did with all the other guy
found out all about you after that first time we talked
still unknowing then feeling dumb when
Finding out the difference in our age
They all tell mee it never works then
With 3 years difference at this stage
Its to late for mee to backtrack
It seemed to be simple
Its seemed to be fine
It seem like all my other crushes
But it was different this time
They keep telling mee I'm just going through a phase.
I keep trying to deal with this confusion
But I keep drawing to the same conclusion
I know I have little chance
And just knowing why, too
Yet I still want you
I just can't help but keep on trying
Cause I'm not afraid of crying
I need to at least give it a try
Cause I can't just let you pass me by
It seemed to be simple
It seemed to be fine
It seemed like all my other chrushes
But It was different this time
It was so different
But i like it, I like you
All I need to know is...
do you?
(c) Bonnie B.
It seemed to be fine
It seem like all my other crushes
But it was different this time
As i soon would find
Whenever you were around me
you made me lose my mind
I couldn't act like I did with all the other guy
found out all about you after that first time we talked
still unknowing then feeling dumb when
Finding out the difference in our age
They all tell mee it never works then
With 3 years difference at this stage
Its to late for mee to backtrack
It seemed to be simple
Its seemed to be fine
It seem like all my other crushes
But it was different this time
They keep telling mee I'm just going through a phase.
I keep trying to deal with this confusion
But I keep drawing to the same conclusion
I know I have little chance
And just knowing why, too
Yet I still want you
I just can't help but keep on trying
Cause I'm not afraid of crying
I need to at least give it a try
Cause I can't just let you pass me by
It seemed to be simple
It seemed to be fine
It seemed like all my other chrushes
But It was different this time
It was so different
But i like it, I like you
All I need to know is...
do you?
(c) Bonnie B.
Take the quiz:
"What color are you?"

Your color is orange... You are very courageous, understanding and friendly.... You can sometimes be bossy and stubborn, and you love to be the leader, but you make a loyal friend as well... You are bold and adventurouse, but also wise, forgiving, and unpredictable...

Take the What Fruit Are You? test by
"What color are you?"

Your color is orange... You are very courageous, understanding and friendly.... You can sometimes be bossy and stubborn, and you love to be the leader, but you make a loyal friend as well... You are bold and adventurouse, but also wise, forgiving, and unpredictable...

Take the What Fruit Are You? test by
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
An E-mail...... Revised
I wonder why Im so unappealing to guyz?....Actually Im unappealing to most gurlz too soooo... yeeeah...*pout* its not fair!! ...But then again life isn't fair.....*sigh* I don't know why Im waiting for him to get bac its really pointless.... Im 3 years younger, Im Probably not his type, his mom duzent want him dating (nor my parents), and...and... He deserves someone better anyways Im NOT a good GF what so ever!!! I suck, I get all weird and insecure and *shakes head* yeah. ANYWAYS... Im bored and Did you know that caitlyn had a Blog? Well I didn't... And ....errrrr I don't like that dude no more hez mean to mee *pout* what did I ever do to him?! OOOOO I get it he Probably is mad cuz we're stealing his attention!!! LOL JP....*sigh* k so Ill TTYL....
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Question for the guys, do u prefere a girl with light or dark hair?
it doesnt really bother me, (18.75%)
I prefer a sexy brunette, (62.5%)
I find blondes sexier, (18.75%)
This is for people 13-19: Do you have sex, or are you still a virgin?
No, i'll wait until marriage, (35.71%)
No, but i really want to, (30.36%)
Yes, but not often, (17.86%)
Yes, quite a lot,(16.07%)
Do guys like if a girl makes the first move: talking and stuff like that???
YES, (85%)
NO, (15%)
Do guys prefer Blonde, Brunette, or Red heads?
Blonde, (32%)
Brunette, (60%)
Red Head, (8%)
How old were you when you got your first kiss?
Younger than 13, (33.33%)
13, (11.11%)
14, (7.41%)
15, (25.93%)
16, (0%)
17, (0%)
18, (0%)
Older than 18, (0%)
Never been kissed, (22.22%)
Do you prefer girls with or without makeup?
With, (25%)
Without, (75%)
what age do you think is ok to lose your viginity?
12-below, (2.7%)
13-15, (18.92%)
16-18, (43.24%)
19-24, (13.51%)
marriage, (21.62%)
it doesnt really bother me, (18.75%)
I prefer a sexy brunette, (62.5%)
I find blondes sexier, (18.75%)
This is for people 13-19: Do you have sex, or are you still a virgin?
No, i'll wait until marriage, (35.71%)
No, but i really want to, (30.36%)
Yes, but not often, (17.86%)
Yes, quite a lot,(16.07%)
Do guys like if a girl makes the first move: talking and stuff like that???
YES, (85%)
NO, (15%)
Do guys prefer Blonde, Brunette, or Red heads?
Blonde, (32%)
Brunette, (60%)
Red Head, (8%)
How old were you when you got your first kiss?
Younger than 13, (33.33%)
13, (11.11%)
14, (7.41%)
15, (25.93%)
16, (0%)
17, (0%)
18, (0%)
Older than 18, (0%)
Never been kissed, (22.22%)
Do you prefer girls with or without makeup?
With, (25%)
Without, (75%)
what age do you think is ok to lose your viginity?
12-below, (2.7%)
13-15, (18.92%)
16-18, (43.24%)
19-24, (13.51%)
marriage, (21.62%)
Monday, April 11, 2005
Don't let mee Fade
Im lost I don't know where I am
but no one seems to give a d@mn
I need someone to love mee
But no one seems to see mee
I wish that it would all go away
so that I don't have to lose myself in every day
I don't know if I can keep holding in this pain
If I do I'll just go completely insane
What happened to that happy ending
or was every one just pretending
Im out in the open for everyone to see
and all I want to do is run away from mee
I don't want to be who I am anymore
this little girl is tired of being thought as poor
Im more than you think I am
cant you just give me a chance
I don't know How to be mee anymore
I don't know how to be anything
shadow Of a person
I need someone to hold my hand and tell mee where to go
because if you keep letting mee do what Im doing
you might just lose mee
and have to think of mee as past
Im slowly fading away to nothing
please don't let mee go
I know that Im not perfect
I know Im not even close
but I really need someone to come and take my hand and help mee
instead of letting mee fade away...
fade away to nothing
(c) Bonnie B.
but no one seems to give a d@mn
I need someone to love mee
But no one seems to see mee
I wish that it would all go away
so that I don't have to lose myself in every day
I don't know if I can keep holding in this pain
If I do I'll just go completely insane
What happened to that happy ending
or was every one just pretending
Im out in the open for everyone to see
and all I want to do is run away from mee
I don't want to be who I am anymore
this little girl is tired of being thought as poor
Im more than you think I am
cant you just give me a chance
I don't know How to be mee anymore
I don't know how to be anything
shadow Of a person
I need someone to hold my hand and tell mee where to go
because if you keep letting mee do what Im doing
you might just lose mee
and have to think of mee as past
Im slowly fading away to nothing
please don't let mee go
I know that Im not perfect
I know Im not even close
but I really need someone to come and take my hand and help mee
instead of letting mee fade away...
fade away to nothing
(c) Bonnie B.
Why do you feel like you have to judge mee?
I mean you don't even really know mee...Yes we are in choir together and Im friends with some of ur siblings but really Im not "friends" with you.... So how would you have the authority to call me Sallow, immature and Naive? And im not saying that Im not some of those things.... But im not sallow. I don't know if you know Kyler G. But I've gone out with him and Tom C.-ish....Im not shallow.... But I may be immature but you of all people shouldn't be pointing that out.....And what I would give to be naive...To be unknowing....You don't know what I've gone through...And you don't know what I've had to endure...Yes, Im not perfect...But truth be told neither are you...And like you I really don't know what you have gone through or endured but Im not calling you shallow, immature or naive. I mean Im probably making too big of a deal out of this but something similar just happened to mee that turned my world upsidedown and insideout and I really don't want repeat it or be that pushover that would just take it. Im mee and If you don't like it tough. But Im going to tell you one last thing you start deciding that everyone needs to know what you think about mee....You might want to think again because Im not going to sit and watch while you ruin what I have finally made into a safe place for mee...Im just not
Saturday, April 09, 2005
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Come to me in my dreams,and then by day
I shall face what I may
For the night will more than pay
for The hopeless longing of the day.
when you come back at last
will you just think of me as past?
or will you make my moments true
without me giving you the cue
will you still be the same
will you still know my name
are you what I think you are
or will I ever make your bar
for now all I do is pray
and wait for your coming day
hoping you will love me every way
so that I dont have to pay
Come to me in my dreams, and then by day
I shall face what I may
For the night will more than pay
For The hopeless longing of the day.
(c) Bonnie B.
I shall face what I may
For the night will more than pay
for The hopeless longing of the day.
when you come back at last
will you just think of me as past?
or will you make my moments true
without me giving you the cue
will you still be the same
will you still know my name
are you what I think you are
or will I ever make your bar
for now all I do is pray
and wait for your coming day
hoping you will love me every way
so that I dont have to pay
Come to me in my dreams, and then by day
I shall face what I may
For the night will more than pay
For The hopeless longing of the day.
(c) Bonnie B.
Monday, April 04, 2005
MY BIRTHDAY IS IN 26 days!!!!!!!
My b-day party is going to be 30th(of April)-1st(of May)
I am allowed to invite 4 people but Im only going to invite 3: (because mostly I dont know who else to invite)
Ok for the pammpering day we are going to get manicures and peticures *grinz* get professional makeovers and shop like crazy!!! Im going to get an Ipod with most of my b-day money but Ive wannted one forever so yeah. After the pammpering and showing off our new looks (lol) us gurlz are going to rent some movies and pig out on candy and other junk!!! LOL then We have church the next day and some hang out time and then choir and then I let them go home! lol jp
but yeah....Im sooo excited!!! Oo and either the weekend before or after my birthday Im going down to cail. to see my new babygurl cousin and to be spoiled by my grandma *grinz* ok now Im done! lol Oo wait....JK ..
My b-day party is going to be 30th(of April)-1st(of May)
I am allowed to invite 4 people but Im only going to invite 3: (because mostly I dont know who else to invite)
- Rachel
- Caitlyn
- Tashie
Ok for the pammpering day we are going to get manicures and peticures *grinz* get professional makeovers and shop like crazy!!! Im going to get an Ipod with most of my b-day money but Ive wannted one forever so yeah. After the pammpering and showing off our new looks (lol) us gurlz are going to rent some movies and pig out on candy and other junk!!! LOL then We have church the next day and some hang out time and then choir and then I let them go home! lol jp
but yeah....Im sooo excited!!! Oo and either the weekend before or after my birthday Im going down to cail. to see my new babygurl cousin and to be spoiled by my grandma *grinz* ok now Im done! lol Oo wait....JK ..
Sunday, April 03, 2005
unnecessary change
my mom is "not forcing" me to change churches...Shes "not making me" leave the church that I grew up at and got saved at...shes "not pushing me" to like and accept a church that has a bad paster and a bad enviroment of girlfriends, boyfriends and flirting......"she not" helping the world take away my true blue friend... and i dont think she even knows what its doing to mee...
P.s.- not= totally, SO, blindly, selfishly, or wrongly
P.s.- not= totally, SO, blindly, selfishly, or wrongly